I am excited to announce that my book, Honey, I Shrunk the Grief!, is now available in paperback on Amazon. If you would like a copy for yourself or a loved one click here to order on Amazon
My book is also available on Amazon’s CreateSpace,
where I am able to offer a 10% discount (at checkout, enter code “W7L7DT4U“)
If you live in the Cleveland area,
you can also find my book on the shelves of the following two bookstores:
13015 Larchmere Blvd., Shaker Heights, OH 44120

1820 Coventry Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118

Some book images:



Honey, I Shrunk the Grief!
is a 7″ x 10″ book (not too big, not too small)
with larger easy to read text and full color images 
PRAISE FOR Honey, I Shrunk the Grief!
first reviews on Amazon as of 12/30/16
(book released on 11/23/16)
With Great Admiration……
“I was privileged to be know Eric at the time of his wife’s passing, and to teach him in the last semester of his degree program and so witness his incredible fortitude, strength, generosity of spirit, and his giving nature. This book exemplifies all of those things….a remarkable documenting of his love for Julie, for David, for all the special people in his life, and indeed for life in general. His perspectives on life, love, faith, loss and subsequent recovery will no doubt be of comfort and help to others who experience similar loss. Beautifully written, laced with loving memories, humor, and many words of wisdom…….Shine on Eric!”
Steve Mitchell
Love Found its Way
“This memoir is more beautiful than I ever imagined it could be. It strikes at the very heart of what it’s like to be a widow/widower traveling down this windy road of grief. It’s a journey both intensely personal and universal. Honey I Shrunk the Grief is equal parts gut-wrenching and heart warming; a must-read for anyone who has been widowed, or who maybe just likes to read powerful testimonials of love and triumph. Eric’s heart and soul, and the very essence of his struggle as a widowed, single dad are evident throughout the book. What an uplifting journey, from start to finish. I’m so glad he found the courage to share his story with the world, and know it will prove to be a comforting one to anyone who reads it. Love certainly will ALWAYS find a way.”
Moving Story of Love, Loss & Reclaimed Love
“A book to comfort those who are grieving, as well as an inspirational read for those looking to be moved by the strength of a single father reclaiming his life after unexpected loss. Eric Vaiksnoras describes an incredible journey about coming to terms with a harsh reality we all face during this life – the death of a loved one. As a young widower, he has a choice to let his loss consume him and to lead him down a difficult road of darkness or to look for the hope in life despite the heartbreaking circumstances around his young bride’s death.
Eric proudly pronounces: Love will find a way. He is such a convincing writer. I cried, I laughed, and I smiled with tenderness while reading this story. I was convinced that Love will indeed find a way when we allow it to penetrate our hearts. My hope is that others will read “Honey, I Shrunk the Grief!” and feel the power that our outlook and choices can have on our lives no matter how difficult the journey may seem.”
The greatest love story ever told
“The greatest love story ever told! Proof that you should never stop believing! Brings out the best from deep within you and makes you believe in love again. This book will change your outlook on life and make you appreciate all that life has to offer. Truly a remarkable story and extremely well told from cover to cover. Enjoy and Believe!”
Kathy Hryb
Each human life is a journey that is like a unique experiment
“Each human life is a journey that is like a unique experiment, and we all undergo trials and difficult times during this amazing voyage. But how does a person deal with a life-shattering event that blindsides you with no forewarning? In his book, Eric Vaiksnoras engages his readers by sharing his story precipitated by such an event in a memoir that is both heartbreaking and ultimately heartwarming. He explores the many emotions he felt, ranging from despair, fear, rationalization, and eventually hope and love. He describes his struggle to cope with the hole in his life created when he so suddenly lost his wife Julie.
As he carries us along through his various perceptions and emotions, many of his actions and reactions strike a chord with me personally, and I suspect would with many other readers. He has always been a very active person, and describes his love of running and other active sports to maintain his physical and mental stamina. As a longtime runner, I can relate to the sense of accomplishment and exhilaration from completing a long peaceful run. He even uses strenuous activities to face the element of fear, a constant presence to him during this period, such as his venture to join his uncle in a skydiving expedition, described in heart-pounding detail. He also addresses the importance of more cerebral exercise, including meditation, yoga and focus on breathing awareness.
He devotes time to help us get to know Julie, most endearingly by sharing a number of cards, drawings and notes from her young students. The simple, sometimes misspelled words of children often provide more insight than a more sophisticated author could ever hope to emulate. They will always provide a memory of the love they had for their favorite teacher.
Through it all, Eric describes how he persists through his struggles to rediscover meaning and regain the motivation to move forward with is life rather than stay down or regress. This is a book that will touch your heart and remind us of the strength of the human spirit.”
an insightful story of love and loss
“A devastating, hopeful, and insightful story of love and loss. A young widower overcomes his grief and discovers that anything is possible with love. It will bring tears to your eyes, while leaving you with the powerful message that “Love will find a way.”.
Connect on Twitter: @EricVaiksnoras
Connect on Facebook: @HoneyIShrunkTheGrief