Click below to view a fascinating video of John Bramblitt’s story
titled: “The Documentary”
Here’s another painting of John’s that I really like…
“So He Won’t Break” by John Bramblitt
(click here for more info on this artist and painting)
The following description was taken from the artist’s website. Here’s what John has to say about this painting:
“Based on the song from The Black Keys the color for this painting, as all of my music paintings, comes directly from the music. When I hear music I see color; it actually turns out to be in a very consistent way. ‘D’ notes for instance appear to me as a reddish color – the intensity depending on how it is played, and how it is used in conjunction with other notes. I have had people who follow my music paintings actually be able to play songs on a guitar just by ‘reading’ the notes across the painting. More than just a note for note translation though; the painting tries to capture the feeling of hearing the music during that particular performance. A painting of a live performance would differ if I went back and experienced the performance again. There would be a lot of similarities because the music is basically the same, but the feeling and atmosphere of a performance changes every time in subtle ways, and this would affect the painting. I loved the raw feeling of this song, and the way that this type of rock flows, but also has an almost impromptu feel to it. I selected the particular panel carefully for this piece so that the defects in the wood would show through. A crack runs horizontally down the painting (this is a superficial crack, and the reason I chose to use this panel for this piece), and in places the wood grain is allowed to show through. I liked the roughness that this adds to the overall structure of the piece – rock is individual, sometimes rough, but always stands out. I felt this painting should do the same.”
If he ever falls, I’d be sorry for us all
And you know the difference it makes,
And you know all that it takes, Is love, so he won’t break
Right around the way, Is where they go to pay
For remedies and pills, To ease their ills
And you know the difference it makes
And you know all that it takes, Is love, so he won’t break

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