Hello dear readers! I have some exciting news to share!
HoneyIShrunkTheGrief (HISTG) is now on Facebook and Twitter!!
“Follow” HISTG on TWITTER . . .
“Like” HISTG on FACEBOOK . . .
My Facebook and Twitter pages are brand new, and they are in desperate need of some followers! To help entice you to become one, I’ve created the following Incentive Program (in which you have been automatically enrolled…Lucky!). Here’s how it works:
Anyone who goes to my book FACEBOOK page and clicks on the small rectangular shaped “Like” button (the one at the top of the page, under the rose pic that makes up my page banner), OR, anyone who goes to my book TWITTER page and clicks on the “Follow” button…gets….are you ready for this? (it’s Big – 6’3″ big!). . .it’s. . .it’s . . .
a GiaNT EricV Bear Hug!!!
(*some exclusions apply…see details below)
*Limited Time Offer! Act Now! THE FIRST 100 PEOPLE to “Like” my Facebook page, or “Follow” my Twitter page, will receive this Free digital hug! Supplies are limited…don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind opportunity! I give Really Good Hugs! Get yours today!!
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*Bonus deal! — New subscribers to my blog are also eligible (to become a subscriber, click on the “Register” link on the right side of my blog home page)!
**Exception — If you are in great need of a hug, the digital hug above may be redeemed even if you don’t subscribe to any of my HISTG pages
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Ok, so my Incentive Program is not a trip to Hawaii, but the next best thing, no?! Well, likely not even the next best thing…but I at least wanted to offer you some kind of loving gesture for helping me to spread the word about my book. Thank You for any book support you are willing to provide.
HoneyIShrunkTheGrief.com has been live for one month now. During that time I’ve been working hard at trying to promote the site, to share it with others. Aside from the FB & Twitter news I mentioned above, here are some of the other promotional things I’ve been working on:
~I’ve invited fellow members of a Health Educators listserv to the HISTG website;
~I’ve reached out to fellow widow/ers online;
~I’m in the process of creating business cards;
~I’m in the process of creating a bulletin board flyer that I can post around town (libraries, restaurants, etc);
~I’ve accepted an invite to be a contributing author on a friend’s blog (click here for my first SunnyDayTalks blog post…if you could use some sunshine in your day, this is a Great place to go! Here you’ll find a collection of some really wonderful posts written by 4 beautiful women. I feel honored to be the newest member of their sunny team!)
An invitation to you…
I believe in my book, if you do too, would you help me promote it? I could really use your help! I’m one person with limited influence and resources, but with your help, this book/blog/website could be so much more!!
How you can help…
Do you have a HISTG website promotion idea that could possibly help me to reach lots of people?? If so, Please share it with me!! I would greatly appreciate your help!! Ideas can be left in the comment section below this post, or can be emailed to me at EricV@HoneyIShrunkTheGrief.com
Would you help me hang a few of my HISTG bulletin board flyers around your neighborhood?? This would be a HUGE help, as it would allow information about my website to spread far across the lands! If you’re willing to hang a few of my flyers up, please email me and let me know, and I will reply back with an email Word.doc attachment of a downloadable file of the HISTG website flyer I created. Then, if you would be so kind to print off a couple copies, and hang them up at the (respectable Lol) places that you frequent, I would be very grateful!
What’s in it for you??
Love!! Lots of love!!!…the loving satisfaction that you get when you help out somebody in need. And heck, I’ll even throw in another digital hug!!!! And if you’re within the Cleveland, OH area, I’d be thrilled to give you an “in person” hug too!!
Please help me spread some HISTG love!
Write me today with your ideas! EricV@HoneyIShrunkTheGrief.com
Thank You!!
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Now on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/HoneyIShrunkTheGrief
Now on Twitter! https://twitter.com/#!/EricVaiksnoras
Check out my book! http://www.honeyishrunkthegrief.com/book/
Feeling grateful? or feeling low? Sign the Thank You Card!
AMAZING and LOVE IT! The hard work and love that you have put in to everything shines through! Your passion is admirable and I wish you the best of luck on this journey!! So happy for you!! :)
Thank you for all your kind words Vicki!